Thursday, April 16, 2009

Well, I know it's been awhile since anyone has heard from me... But between work and everything else I have been pretty busy...Over the last year or so, I have found myself becoming more and more interested in politics...Is this due to the fact that I'm getting older?? I don't know?? I have developed some pretty strong feelings about where this country is headed and the choices they are making--heck, I even attended a tea party. Who would of ever of thought that I would be getting involved!! The tea party was amazing. First it started off with prayer--and then we said the Pledge of Allegiance (which you never hear anymore) and the whole crowd sang in unison the National Anthem--I have never been that inspired--I mean you could feel it in your chest the energy was absolutely amazing--the neat thing was that people did have signs, but it was nothing degrading or demeaning. The party was about how we did not agree with big government spending or the direction we are headed as a nation--I will try to get back on track though, sometimes I get fired up and wonder--

Lately I find myself putting aside some of the things I used to do and enjoy because there really is no meaning in them--They are just cheap entertainment--For example, I have and enjoy satellite radio--I had a few talk shows that I used to enjoy listening to--but now to me they are pretty much pointless--I've tried to listen and all I can think is that there is a lot more important things to worry about than this--and why can't they see what a waste of time---why are we filling our minds with this useless garbage--Another example is music. Some music is very pointless--but occasionally there are songs that have a deeper message and deserve to be heard--I feel myself drawn to these types of songs lately.

I also find myself in deep thought lately. I tend to look for places in which I can be alone and think through the goings on in the world--what will happen--where are we going as a country and why can't more people see it and stand up--why are we so greedy and lazy--what has America become--when I tell people about things why do some of them seem so ignorant? I mean some people don't even watch the news and when they do take a stand it is based on untrue rumors and urban legends they have read on the internet....

Why must kids grow up in a society and school system that is pushing things like global warming and everybody wins in school--Why are politics pushed on 5th graders, why do their teachers push their political beliefs onto their students. That's not what I pay for....

All these things are just running through my head and sometimes it makes me so upset that I just want to stand up and say "I'm mad as Hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore." The Founding Fathers had it right and everything was done with a Faith in God--And you know what--that's where it is at. I know through my religion that if I have faith in God and do what I know is right for me and my family, we will be ok. Push the values and beliefs that I hold dear onto my kids within the walls of our home and everything will work out--I've been getting the feeling that lately I need to keep a journal--maybe I will start--I mean this was never meant to be 3 pages long--but look where I ended up--Be strong in your foundation and be faithful to your God and everything should work out---If not for you, do it for your kids--

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Me and Bubba Killing time until waterfowl season....

Well it rained all weekend with flood warnings abundant.....Water rescues and low level flooding were everywhere...Crazy for August but perfect for the upcoming waterfowl season.....Now if I could just finish painting the house, I've got a 40 ft lift rented for next Saturday I hope it clears up by then....Meanwhile me and Bubba decided to get out and work off some prehunting season jitters....

Me and the kids found this cool Caterpillar......In Fly Fishing they would call this a Woolybugger I believe I have a few tied up in my Fly Box...

Some of the things you see in Kansas just have to make you laugh.....This kid pulled in the Gas station driving a 4 cylinder Toyota pickup with this big smoke stack on it.....This thing was louder than my V8 Chevy and it doesn't have a muffler on it......It sounded like a giant lawnmower....

This is me scared to death on the ladder trying to finish the house..( Sorry for the white legs ) (thankfully the BoomLift is scheduled soon).....